Mission Statement
The goal of the coaches is to increase the opportunity for success for teachers and students by inspiring excellence in the teaching profession. Instructional coaches support teachers and provide opportunities for reflection of their instruction, professional growth, collaboration and implementation of effective practices that will foster student growth and positive change in school culture.
Coaching at Aberfoyle Hub Primary School
Use a coaching model to help support all teachers continue to learn over their careers through many supports such as mentoring, coaching, co-teaching, peer observations, supported planning, assessing and using student data and more to better engage and provide opportunities to maximize student learning. These opportunities enhance teacher knowledge and skills, deepening and strengthening their pedagogy.
Aberfoyle Hub Primary School is committed to;
- Coach to attend further training as identified by directions from Department for Education, School Improvement Plan, Staff learning needs and Student learning needs
- Classroom profiling to support teachers to identify coaching need
- Provide access through release or support to assist teachers in achieving their goals
- Sharing ideas and strategies with other teachers and coach/mentors
Oracy in the Classroom: Strategies for Effective Talk
Discussion guidelines:
- Always respect each other’s ideas.
- Be prepared to change your mind.
- Come to a shared agreement.
- Clarify, challenge, summarize, and build on each other’s ideas.
- Invite someone to contribute by asking a question.
- Show proof of listening.
Staff will have the opportunity to;
- Reflect on practice as part of the learning culture
- Staff evaluate personal performance through informal and formal reflective practice structures within coaching structures and performance development
- Staff have a record of observation about their practice
- Staff feel more supported and are successful in achieving their goals