Student Representative Council

At the Hub we value respect, relationships, resilience and responsibility.

Student Voice at the Hub

Implementing student voice is a priority at the Hub. At the beginning of each year we elect our Student Representative Council (SRC) which is made up of an executive team, community liaisons and two representatives per class. Classes conduct regular meetings to discuss upcoming events, issues to be addressed and recommendations for the school. The class reps then bring this information to the SRC meeting held several times a term.

Two co-chairs and a secretary make up the executive team and are elected by the executive team from the previous year. These students undergo an application and interview process to determine who will be the best candidate. The executive team is responsible for running the SRC meetings, hosting assemblies, organising community events, minuting meetings, notifying teachers and following up on past discussions. This team is supported by the community liaisons who work with members of the local community to implement change. Some of their responsibilities include running Harmony Day activities, lunchtime programs and supporting younger students at class meetings.

By implementing student voice the school has been able to make regular donations to a number of charities including but not limited to: The Smith Family, Backpacks for Kids, Salvation Army and many more. They have also been responsible for organising community events such as the Colour Run and Hub Fringe. The SRC has also improved school grounds with the addition of time table signs on the steps, educational games on ground, new drama blocks, headphones and purchasing equipment with Woolworths Earn and Learn stickers.

The SRC team strives to make improvements and works hard to ensure everyone’s voice is heard.