Physical Education
It is no secret that physical activity is necessary to a person’s well-being. Because children are continuously developing physically and emotionally, they are especially affected by the benefits of activity – and inversely, the negative effects of inactivity.
Technological advancements have seen a steady rise in screen time amongst our children which undoubtedly has contributed to the obesity epidemic that now faces Western society. Promotion of a healthy and active lifestyle within schools is vital as it provides children with physical opportunities that they can embrace as they grow into adulthood. At Aberfoyle Hub Primary School, we firmly believe that physical educators provide the first and most crucial step in exposing children to physical exercise. We aim to expose children to a wide variety of sports and then offer them opportunities to join social teams and clubs which positively engages them in the community and refines their skills.
At Aberfoyle Hub Primary School every student partakes in 1x50min Physical Education and 1x50min Health lesson each week. This is on top of the fitness activities that are carried out in class time. The focus on each PE lesson is to develop and enhance the physical activity skills of all students and to encourage and foster a positive attitude toward a healthy and active lifestyle.
Our aim is to expose students to a large variety of sports where they will learn the skills and techniques required to play the sport at a competent level in the school yard, at home with their friends and family or at a local sporting club. Some of the sports include: Athletics, Basketball, Badminton, Cricket, Football (AFL), Football (Soccer), Golf, Lacrosse, Netball, Rugby Tag, Softball/T-ball, Tennis and Volleyball.
Our Early Years lessons have a large focus on hand eye coordination, movement and body awareness. Learners have great opportunities to practise their catching, throwing, kicking and hitting skills in a range of settings. Our Middle/Upper Primary years focus on incorporating previous skills whilst also developing more complex movements, refined decision making and continually building social skills.
Australian Curriculum Outcomes targeted in the Physical Education program:
Moving our body: The development of movement skills and strategies necessary to confidently and competently participate in any physical activities.
Understanding movement: Students positively look at the value of having a healthy and physical life in society.
Learning through movement: The progressive development of the skills required for students to make informed decisions about health and physical activity. This includes decision making, planning, goal setting, time management, stress management and self-esteem development.
The Hub School values the role sport can play in a child’s life through keeping fit, trying new skills, being part of a team, competing in a positive environment and making new friends.
We are very proud of the opportunities we provide our students to participate in sports teams and coaching clinics throughout the year. All sports operate within the National Junior Sports Policy which provides a framework and guidelines for the delivery of all junior sports.
To support our Physical Education program we organise a variety of coaching clinics in sports.
Swimming and aquatics are also part of the Physical Education programme. Reception – Year 5 students participate in a 1 week programme at Noarlunga Aquatic Centre each year whilst the Year 6 and 7’s participate in aquatics, generally at Victor Harbor.
Our School Sports Day and the subsequent lead up to the District Athletics Day is always exciting with teachers training students for the District Day in Sprints, Long distance, Long Jump, High Jump, Discus, Shot put and relay races.
Please also see our Out of School Hours Sport page.
hool Sport SA (SAPSASA)
Aberfoyle Hub Primary School is affiliated with School Sport SA (formerly SAPSASA )and our school is part of the Southern Valley district. SAPSASA is currently offered to all students in Year 6/7, with some sports also open to Year 4/5.
This year, Aberfoyle Hub Primary School entered teams in the following SAPSASA competitions:
- – Knockout Netball (Girls)
- – Knockout Soccer (Boys)
- – Basketball Championships (Boys/Girls)
- – District Cross Country
- – District Athletics Day
- – Beach Volleyball Competition
Jump Rope For Heart Team & Jump Club
The Jump Rope For Heart program was introduced to the school in 2003 to provide an active physical interest for students, in Years 3-5 in particular. Both boys and girls are encouraged to participate. Interested students who are not members of the official team are able to attend Jump Club.
The National Heart Foundation supports the Hub Flames, who take on a role of raising awareness of and promoting the JRFH program. This is done through their performances at school, other schools and community events. The Jump team members are ambassadors for both Aberfoyle Hub Schools and the National Heart Foundation and their significant commitment to the team includes practicing two lunch times per week.
They encourage a healthy lifestyle by engaging in regular exercise and demonstrating that such exercise can be fun, spectacular and an important component of good health.
The team visits other schools two or three times a term and teaches skills to other children. Their performance routine is exciting and motivational. Another activity in the Hub Flames calendar is the Demonstration Teams Championships, where they compete in Jump events.
This program helps students to increase their self-esteem, contribute to the community and develop skills in team work and leadership.
R – 5 classes access annual swimming lessons at Noarlunga Aquatics Centre. The students are transported there daily for one week by buses and instruction is given by qualified swimming instructors.
Every year Middle School students have the opportunity to participate in Aquatics.
Usually we travel to the Fleurieu Aquatic Centre at Victor Harbor to enjoy a variety of activities including Canoeing, Surfing, Snorkelling and Sailing.