At the Hub we value respect, relationships, resilience and responsibility.

Vacation Care Program Guide

Vacation Care Booking Forms


Aberfoyle Hub School OSHC provides an inclusive, friendly and welcoming service. We promote independence, child-initiated activities, and social communication through our engaging and accepting environment. Every child is valued respected and supported.


At Aberfoyle Hub OSHC we………

  • Plan programs that are flexible and respond to the ongoing learning and development, strengths, needs and interests of all the diverse children in our care.
  • Actively encourage an inclusive environment through promoting a child led program.
  • Promote positive behaviour through clear OSHC Expectations and positive behaviour support plans.
  • Recognise the children’s right to play, and the importance this has on child development, and encouraging this through exploration, discovery and support.
  • Recognise that all children regardless of gender, race, culture, age, ability or socio-economic background are valued and respected and will be given the same opportunities to develop and be cared for in a positive way.
  • Strive to communicate effectively with each other, the children and their families with professionalism, teamwork and mutual respect.
  • Actively seek to work in partnership with families, community groups and organisations.
  • Encourage and promote the Aberfoyle Hub Primary School Values.
  • Strive to provide a safe, happy, secure and comfortable workplace for all team members.
  • Are regulated and guided by the Education and Care Services National Law, Education and Care Service National Regulations, National Quality Framework, My Time Our Place and the United Nations Rights of the Child.


Welcome to the Aberfoyle Hub Primary School Out of School Hours Care program. Our service has been operating since the early 1980’s as a non-profit making organisation. We have grown from a need within our school community and the local community, for quality care for our children. The program is partially funded by the Commonwealth Government through the Child Care Benefit Scheme.
The program is regulated by DFE through the National Standards for Out of School Hours Care and validated by the National Childcare Accreditation Council.


The Aberfoyle Hub Primary School OSHC will provide Before and After School Care on school days and full day care on Pupil Free and School Closure Days for children of Reception to Year 7 level. Vacation Care operates during the school holidays excluding two weeks at Christmas/New Year. This care is a service to the whole community providing for the needs of the children of working or studying/training parents and to children requiring occasional and emergency care.


Families are encouraged to be involved in the OSHC service in a variety of ways. The Advisory Committee is made up of parents, the OSHC Director, staff representatives and school representatives. The committee meets once or twice a term to discuss the overall operation of the program, the financial management and is responsible for the hiring of new staff. The committee reports to the Governing Council. The meetings are open to all parents to discuss any issues that may arise. Other ways families can be involved include:-
Sharing a sport, game or craft activity; joining in with your child’s activity or game when you pick them up; sharing interesting aspects of your life or culture with a small group; or simply completing feedback forms or surveys. We encourage you to talk to the staff whenever possible and we appreciate your comments and feedback.

OSHC Policies can be downloaded from the policies page.


Before School Care 6:45am-8:45am
After School Care 3:10pm-6:30pm
Vacation Care Days (Excluding 2 weeks at XMAS/New Year ) 6:45am-6:30pm
Pupil Free/School Closure Days 6:45am-6:30pm

(Families will be notified through the school newsletter of the dates and procedures for booking child/ren into the program on these days.)


Aberfoyle Hub Primary School OSHC operates from Unit 8 and has access to the Hall, Multipurpose Room and Playground facilities.


The program is staffed at all times according to the National Standards for Out of School Hours Care. The Director of the program is Nicola Kuhn who has a Diploma in Out of School Hours Care. All staff regularly attend training and development in order to maintain a high standard of OSHC service. All staff hold a current First Aid Certificate and a Mandatory Reporting qualification.


The session fees before Child Care Benefit are (as from 28.2.23):

Before School Care 6:45am-8:45am$18.00
After School Care 3:10pm-6:30pm$28.50
Pupil Free/School Closure6:45am-12:30pm$77.00
Pupil Free/School Closure6:45am-12:30pm
Pupil Free
Vacation Care Full Day6:45am-6:30pm$72.00
Vacation Care Half Day6:45am-12:30pm
Vacation Care Excursion/Incursion Days 6:45am-6:30pm$77.00
Early Finish2:30pm-6:30pm$31.00
Early Bird Booking Fee – per child / per attendance by Week 7 of all Terms $5.00

Fees are reviewed annually..
A $20.00 Registration Fee per family is payable at the beginning of the school year. This fee will be debited to your OSHC account upon receipt of your enrolment form.


  • OSHC accounts are available each Tuesday afternoon for collection from the OSHC Room.
  • OSHC accounts are billed one week in arrears.
  • Fees must be paid on a weekly basis unless alternative arrangements have been negotiated with the Director.
  • Accounts can be paid at the service during OSHC hours, by cash, cheque or by EFTPOS.
  • Casual emergency care is to be paid in full at the time of care.


  • Families who have an account outstanding for 2 weeks will receive a notification of their account and a reminder to make suitable arrangements with the Director.
  • Families whose fees are outstanding for 28 days or more will receive notification on their account and a letter attached requesting payment.
  • If overdue account has not been paid within 7 days of the date of the letter and no explanation is given, the parent/caregiver will be required to find alternative care until all outstanding fees are paid.


Child Care Benefit is available to all families at a variable rate depending on combined family income. Information and relevant phone numbers are available from the OSHC service and processed through the Family Assistance Office. Families without a Credit Reference Number (CRN) are required to pay full fees.


Each child must have a completed enrolment form and a $20.00 Registration fee per family paid annually before entering the program. Enrolment forms can be obtained from either the School reception area, or from the OSHC staff during OSHC hours. Enrolment forms are updated annually however, if family circumstances (eg phone numbers or Emergency contacts) change during the year families should notify the OSHC staff immediately.
Booking slips are to be completed each term. These slips are available from the OSHC service. If your child is attending on an occasional basis, please notify OSHC as soon as possible of your child’s anticipation attendance.
Separate Enrolment forms and booking forms are required for Vacation Care.