The Arts

At the Hub we value respect, relationships, resilience and responsibility.

Together the Arts are a form of human expression and understanding, all leading to communication. The Arts are a part of our daily lives, and play a central role in our social and cultural identities. They provide a vehicle for self-expression, developing co-ordination, communication and helping to build self-esteem and confidence.

The Arts covers the areas of Dance, Drama, Media Arts, Music and Visual Arts across all year levels.

All teachers are responsible for delivering an Arts program following the strands of Making and Responding. The four content descriptors are:

  • Exploring ideas and improvising with ways to present ideas
  • Developing an understanding of practices
  • Sharing artworks through performance, presentation or display
  • Responding to , and interpreting artworks

Evidence of the teaching of the Arts is demonstrated throughout the school through displays, performing at assemblies, watching performers who come to the school, using media technologies and taking part in extra curricula activities such as choir, dance and instrumental music.

A Song About COVID-19

In Music lessons students were involved in creating a song about the pandemic situation we were faced with this year. It started with brainstorming ideas for our song with each class writing their own verse. We picked through some of the lyrics and picked the best ones for our catchy chorus. Once we finalised the lyrics we decided to sing them to various beats and loops. Students across the school contributed short video clips from which we chose to make this final product.

Performing Arts at the Hub

The Performing Arts is a specialist subject at our school taught by a specialist performing arts teacher. Students have weekly performing arts lessons where they can develop knowledge and skills across the spectrum of Performing Arts, including Music, Dance and Drama.

The Arts have long played a central role in our social and cultural identities and they are an integral part of the Australian Curriculum. Learning in the area of performing arts helps to develop students’ personal and individual qualities and allows them to explore their individuality and self-expression, while increasing physical and mental conditioning, developing co-ordination, communication, and helping to build self-esteem and confidence.

Classroom Performing Arts Program

In performing arts lessons, students are offered learning experiences that involve movement, drama, singing and instrumental work. They have many opportunities to develop their skills and knowledge in Music, Dance & Drama and Media Art, whilst also improving their teamwork, performance and audience skills. The teaching program embraces the Australian curriculum in the arts where students can create, make and perform, as well as critique peer and professional performances.

In addition to the classroom Performing arts program , students may also participate in our Extra Curricula Arts Programs.

Celebration Day

On Celebration Day, Thursday the 5th of November, at approximately 12:00, our whole school came together in the hall to sing, move, play instruments and be part of this nation-wide, live streamed musical event. Students had to keep in time with a large group of people but they certainly rose to the challenge on the day with pleasing results.

Unbeknownst to them, they were participating with thousands of other students across Australia all singing the same song, on the same day, at the same time! And what a surprise for us to see this on the big screen during the live stream.  Yes! …  footage of our Aberfoyle Hub students engaging with the program song, broadcast across Australia!