Play is the Way

At the Hub we value respect, relationships, resilience and responsibility.

Play is the Way is a method for teaching social and emotional skills using guided play, classroom activities and an empowering language.
It is a process that gives our school a way to develop, improve and entrench the personal and social capabilities of students.

It is proven that children with strong pro-social behaviour tend to lead more positive lives, have more meaningful relationships, enjoy better physical and mental health and do better at school.

At Aberfoyle Hub Primary School we have committed to being a ‘Play is the Way School’. Our trained staff lead short guided play sessions on Mondays and Wednesdays each week, this is re-enforced throughout the school in our language and life raft activities.

Play is the Way has been implemented successfully in schools across Australia, New Zealand and Canada.

The Play is the Way program uses:
• a unique program of physically interactive games
• key concepts to guide students through life and learning
• a specific and empowering language to help attain self-mastery
• a philosophy of behaviour education and student self-regulation that fosters independent, self-motivated, empathetic, life-long learners.